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10.7 Sunday -Relaxing at Forrest Lake with a cook-out.
Could not imagine the steaks would come out so good. We took our time and let them sear for quite a while. After about thirty-minutes time was up and it was time to serve up the potatoes and carrots.
As you can tell this is a very big campground and for the next five days it is 100% sold out. It’s amazing we got such a great site. more to come.
Camp lake and mini golf park.
This is the adult lounge.
This is Hairston Hall. It’s a small venue for church services and meetings.
This hall is the Forest Lake Store and Grill. Also serves as a youngsters lounge with gaming machine, pool (also pool table in the adult lounge) and even an air hockey table.
Friends of ours, Adventure detour ahead, are full-times and just moved up to a Solitude fifth-wheel.
At this point our quest is for a historical site. This would be a quarter-mile walk in an mosquito infested forest area. This is the first time in five years that we’ve had to deal with mosquitos.
It took a while to find this historic site. It’s actually an original structure. A tobacco barn. After walking almost forty-five minutes we noticed the tobacco barn was just a minute walk from our coach, going in another direction.
Finally, we’re home again. Now it’s time to download the pictures and finish off the RVP blog.