My Sign from Above…

HAPPINESS, is to have everything…you need!
NOT the need to have everything.

If joy is in the JOURNEY, 
then reward is in the Destination 

Journey is our “new” motorhome. 

October 15, 2021

For years, following my brother Dennis’s stroke, I would religiously give him a call each day if only for a few minutes. Rarely, if ever, did either one of us have anything intelligent worth talking about, it was basically about the call. Dennis of course, if you read this blog, passed away this last May, just a couple of days past his birthday. As result I stopped making calls of course, but the tradition was established, so each evening I spend a minute or two recapping this days events to Dennis, even though I know he’s not listening. Just like you, if not everyone, I say a small recitation of prayers, I guess in hopes that my 5-minutes of religious meditation would ever be enough to spare me from the after death punishments I possibly deserve. But this IS what happened this evening.

After prayers I was getting a little frustrated with the Powers above asking, once again, for a sign that Dennis might be secure in heaven. I know, this sounds a little “one-step-beyond,” but there’s no harm in asking. It’s not that I haven’t asked previously, on several occasions, asking for just a simple sign from above. This time, just in case I’ve missed the sign in the past, I was asking for an obvious sign. It wasn’t more than a couple of minutes later a loud double knock from the outside of the coach, on the wall opposite our bed. What’s the significance of the knock? Whenever Carla and I arrive to a new site, after backing into the site, it’s time to bring out the slides. Since 2013 Carla would wait to let out the slide while I would go outside to validate the slide was safe to put out. To let Carla know that its safe to go ahead I always give her a solid double-knock on the outside slide wall. This, believe it or not, is exactly the knock sound I heard at 11pm this evening. The knock I heard was so defining I could almost visualize the general area from where the knock came from. This spot outside would be at least nine-feet above the ground. The knock to Carla, as I’ve mentioned is to tell her it’s safe to proceed, you won’t have a problem and once out it will be in a safe position.

I know you’re raising your eyes saying, “sure!,” I don’t care. This evening a little after 11pm I experienced a “Divine Sign from Above.” The chance that someone dropped by and left a double-tap on our wall is a million to one shot if anything. I will continue to pray but from now on I will have a positive attitude on Dennis.

Every day someone someplace will lose a love one. As a Catholic we can assume, depending on the person who died, that he or she would have made it safely to their heavenly reward some time in the future, but when? We all pray to Him hoping our prayers will help the deceased person make their way to Paradise but we never know for sure until such time that we also leave our earthly home and eventually learn the truth.   

The moral of this story, whether you believe me or not, is to always remember our love ones that leave our company, usually sooner than we would like. Always keep them in your stories and prayers, and pray to Him to care for these individuals as lovingly as we would have if they were still with us.

For now, God bless you!

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