To view the Journal for FEBRUARY click on this link goto February Journals…or click on the “header at the top of this page, select “Journals” for the drop-down menu. If pictures appear missing, use your “refresh” button.
you NEED,
This month’s Travel Plans:
Jan. 20th Willis, TX at Lake Conroe (TT) RVP x 12 nights. (190m)
Feb. 1st Seguin, TX -Overnight (156m)
Feb. 2nd Lakehills, TX at Medina Lake RVR (TT) x 13 nights (71m)
Feb. 15th Fort Stockton, TX overnight
Feb. 16th El Paso, TX – overnight
Feb. 17th Deming, NM overnight
Feb. 18th Benson, AZ at Valley Vista RVR(T3) x13 nights
Mar. 3rd Phoenix, AZ overnight
St. Jude, dog lost, dog found.
2.14.2019- VALENTINE’S DAY
Last night, just before bed, Carla and I were talking and she mentioned that the couple who’s dog got lose and ran away from them had returned home on its own. I’m still not really an animal lover but we do get attached to our pets. Last week, when the incident happened, the parents of the runaway dog approached us to keep our eyes peeled just in case we might spot the animal, that was about a week ago. For people like us and them if we we’re living a normal lifestyle, we could just say, not to worry he’ll come back some day, but we’re transients. Almost all of us must pick up and leave, then all you can hope for is a phone call some time in the future.
Those who know me know I have infinite faith in St. Jude, as he’s been there for me on numerous occasions, when I felt all hope was gone, imploring his help ALWAYS brought a positive result. Feeling bad for these folks with the lost dog I began the 9-day novena to St. Jude in hopes he might resolve this situation, that was two nights ago and the dog had been missing for 5-6 days. The day Carla mentioned that the dog had returned home was day two of the novena. I have beseeched St. Jude’s assistance so many times over the course of my life I’ve lost count. Would the dog have come home on its own, maybe-may be not. The anguish these folks were feeling was terrible. The positive result was all that matters.
For those not familiar with the novena I will print it out FYI.
O Holy St Jude!
Apostle and Martyr,
great in virtue and rich in miracles,
near kinsman of Jesus Christ,
faithful intercessor for all who invoke you,
special patron in time of need;
to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart,
and humbly beg you,
to whom God has given such great power,
to come to my assistance;
help me now in my urgent need and grant my earnest petition.
(this is where you present your petition for this novena)
I will never forget thy graces and favors you obtain for me
and I will do my utmost to spread devotion to you. Amen.
St. Jude, pray for us and all who honor thee and invoke thy aid.
(Say 3 Our Father’s, 3 Hail Mary’s, and 3 Glory Be’s after this.)
This novena has never failed me, except once, but that’s another long story, my petition was answered, not so much as what I was requesting, but for what was what I really needed. The novena, from what I’ve been told, will always be answered if your petition is for what is right and good for you. Don’t even think of asking to be a lottery winner, that request won’t even get a hearing. And do not expect answers right away, Jude is not FedEx. On at least two occasions my petitions were answered months after the novena was finished.,
I will now get off and away from my pulpit, but it is my blog, so items of interest to me will most likely always find a spot for me to rant on about as I have today.
“Everything we were, we carry with us. Everything we will be, is calling to us, from the roads not travelled yet." pjgrenier