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you NEED,
March 22nd Las Vegas at Las Vegas TT Campground for 14 nights
April 5th St. George, Utah (119m) x13 nights (119m)
April 19th Kanab, UT at Crazy Horse RVP (80m)x7 nights (80m)
April 26th Salina, UT at RPI RVP(163m) x7 nights (163m)
May 2nd Moab, UT at KOA Campground (159m)x4 nights (159m)
May 6th Heber, UT Mountain Valley RVR (2 overnights) x7n 234m
May 16th Bend, OR TT (Overnights and stays TBD) (654m)(x7n)
June 5th Whaler’s Rest in Newport, OR.
June 26th leave Whaler’s Rest
4.21.2019-Crazy Horse RVR in Kanab, UT
Crazy Horse is a private campground. The owners have three dozen other resorts besides this one. Not being a Thousand Trails property means we have to pay, but it is worth every penny. We’ve been told they’re asking $550 a month for annuals.
This RVR has been newly acquired and renovations are going on seven days a week. For a change we have an excellent site.
Notice our neighbors, they’re very quiet. Very few drawbacks most notably would be very poor Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi is a problem in many campgrounds in this neck of the woods. The solution turns out to be expensive to purchase time on the campground Wi-Fi.
This is the check-in station. As you can see the parking outside is extremely spacious. Below is the signature signage of the resort. Very hard to drive by this monument.
Excellent signage and awesome views can be found in every corner of this park.
There’s always a pool. This one has been totally refurbished. Carla has rediscovered lilacs. Something that grow everywhere in New England, but nowhere down south.
Above and below are pictures from inside the Check-In center
Brand new pool table. This is the media center. Books abound here. At the other end of this building are hundreds of DVDs.
Roy Rogers and Dale Evans were customers of the previous owners, in days gone by.
“Everything we were, we carry with us. Everything we will be, is calling to us, from the roads not travelled yet." pjgrenier