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I relish the positive ones and will learn from the negative ones.
HAPPINESS is to have EVERYTHING, you need.
-NOT the need to have EVERYTHING.
Travel to Portland, OR
Wow! to quote that famous movie line; “We’re Back!.” It’s been three arduous weeks hibernating in Pacific City.
We endured no Verizon phone service, no Wi-Fi, no sewer and no in-house bathroom conveniences for our last three days. The bathroom thing arose from the limitations on our black-water holding tank. When full, or almost full, you must forgo using it. It’s usually good for 5-6 days and it did last 5 days then we were delegated to the campground facilities. It wasn’t a big hardship since the facilities were about a one-minute walk from the coach, but it did rain a lot and then there’s always those 3am emergencies, but we survived.
Our newest rant is an old one; our driver’s-side slide-out. It’s acting up a bit. It does work properly. It’s just that the bottom of the slide, on one occasion, dislodged mostly because of the terrible campground roads at Pacific City, so I didn’t want to chance an incident on our travel to Portland. Just a quick picture on this beautiful city of tall glistening building and multi-level over-passes.
At the local Ace Hardware in Lincoln, OR, I think, I had two 2×4’s cut to the exact depth of the slide, which was twenty-nine inches. The measurement was perfect and when we retracted the slide we wedged one board on each end of the slide between the slide bottom framework and the interior wall of the coach just to insure it did not wiggle lose as we traveled today, and the slide behaved nicely.
I almost forgot to mention Scooty’s new-found friend. We’ve seen this fella several times, it suffers from a very damaged ear on the top of its head. Scoots never gave it a name, but since we had a bunch of left-over cat food that Scooty refused to eat, we fed it to, let’s call him “Peter.” Peter ate a full-bowel within ten minutes. So we put out a much fuller bowl and when we woke the next morning, our travel-day, it was just about cleaned up. Before we left we put out another bowl and can only hope the future inhabitants of this site will take pity on him as well. How did the saying go; “feed the hungry and less fortunate.” The author probably didn’t have Peter in mind, but it worked for us.