Sam’s Town, Las Vegas, NV


To view the Journals select the month and year your looking for.

you NEED,

March 22nd Las Vegas at Las Vegas TT Campground for 14 nights
April 5th St. George, Utah (119m) x13 nights (119m)
April 19th Kanab, UT at Crazy Horse RVP (80m)x7 nights (80m)
April 26th Salina, UT at RPI RVP(163m) x7 nights (163m)
May 2nd Moab, UT at KOA Campground (159m)x4 nights (159m)
May 6th Heber, UT Mountain Valley RVR (2 overnights) x7n 234m
May 16th Bend, OR TT (Overnights and stays TBD) (654m)(x7n)
June 5th Whaler’s Rest in Newport, OR.
June 26th leave Whaler’s Rest


After having an absolutely delicious breakfast we just had to take a walk. Getting not this place was the hard part. There are places we can’t get to and they require a special “key.”

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It’s like a members only perk. We did have one person that offered to let us in on her card, but we opted to play by the rules.

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There is literally no need to leave this building. This garden alone is a great place to sit and meditate on the moneys You may have lost in the casino.


Insider the garden area are an assortment of small businesses and franchises; ice cream, subway and a slew of others. I forgot to mention there’s a bowling alley and a multi-screen theater as well.


OH!, there’s, of course, a casino.


And more casino!

We enjoyed are stay and came back a few days later to enjoy another breakfast. You’re right, we did lose some money here, about $42.00. I think we got away cheap.



“Everything we were, we carry with us. 
Everything we will be, is calling to us, 
from the roads not travelled yet." pjgrenier


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