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8.25 Saturday- No pictures yet. Keep forgetting you need a camera or phone for pics. It was a very delightful experience. Father Simon was the priest saying the Mass. He could easily haveĀ been heard without a mike, but most of all, the parish was participating 100 percent, very seldom these days. I don’t usually offer the Websites of the individual Churches we attend, but I’m thinking about doing just that.
For more information on St. Joseph’s Catholic Church please click on the link below.
goto: St. Joseph’s CC Greenfield, NY
It’s just a village church capacity only maybe 400, but they know how to make you feel at home. We were told that, as a parish, they will be traveling to Auriesville, NY for a conference at the Shrine of Our Lady of Martyrs. This was our field trip this last week. They will have the conference in the Coliseum which holds between 6500 to 10,000 worshipers.
If we were going to be here for this I might try talking Carla into going.