The Brown Scapular

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HAPPINESS is to have EVERYTHING, you need.
-NOT the need to have EVERYTHING.

The Brown Scapular:

(The following text taken from the Carmelite Web Site and the Sunday Bulletin of St.Joseph’s Church on Cloverdale, OR.)

One day, a long time ago, walking the streets of Rome, three outstanding men of God bumped into one another. Friar Dominic of Guzman was recruiting members for the Order of Preachers, later known as the” Dominicans,” Which he had founded. Brother Francis of Assisi, the Poverello, had just brought together some men to serve what he called Lady Poverty. The third, Friar Angel, had come from Mount Carmel in Palestine, and was called to Rome because he was a great preacher. Illuminated by the Holy Spirit, the three recognized one another, and during the conversation made many prophesies. Saint Angel, for example, predicted God would give Saint Francis the stigmata, And Saint Dominic prophesied, “One day, Brother Angel, the Blessed Mother will give your Carmelite Order a devotion that will be known as the Brown Scapular, and to my Order of Preachers a devotion that will be called the Rosary. And one day she will save the world through the Rosary and the Scapular.” On the spot where that meeting took place, a chapel was built which exist in Rome to this day. In addition to the special grace of eternal salvation, connected with the Scapular, Our Lady gave another, which became known as the Sabbatine Privilege. The following century, on March 3, 1322 she appeared to Pope John XXII, communicating to those who wear her scapular, “As a tender mother, I will descend into Purgatory on the Saturday after their death and will deliver them and bring them to the holy mountain, into the happy sojourn of life everlasting.” What are, then the specific promises of Our Lady?xxxx

  1. Whoever dies clothed with the Scapular, will not suffer the fire of Hell. What did Our Lady mean with these words? First, on making this promise, Mary does not mean that a person who dies in mortal sin will be saved. Death in mortal sin and condemnation are the same thing. Mary’s promise undoubtedly translates into these words, “Whoever dies clothed in this scapular will not die in mortal sin. “To make that clear, the Church often adds the word “piously” to the pledge, “he who dies piously will not suffer the fire of Hell.”
  2. Our Lady will free from Purgatory the person wearing her scapular on the first Saturday after his or her death. Although this privileges often interpreted literally, that is, the person will be freed from Purgatory on the first Saturday after his or her death, “everything that the Church has officially stated on several occasions to explain these words, is that those who fulfill the conditions of the Sabbatine Privilege, through the intercession of Our Lady, will be freed from Purgatory shortly after death, and especially on Saturday.

The Blessed Virgin assigned certain conditions which must be fulfilled:

  • Wear the Brown Scapular continuously.
  • Observe chastity according to one’s state in life (married/single).
  • Recite daily the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin (STILL WORKING ON THIS)
  • OR Observe the feasts of the Church together with abstaining from meat on Wednesdays and Saturdays
    OR With permission of a priest, substitute some other good work.
    OR With permission of a priest, say five decades of Our Lady’s Most Holy Rosary” 

    I hope to have more information on the “Little Office of the Blessed Virgin” in a few days.



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