Travel to Cottonwood, AZ

To view the Journal for MARCH click on this link GOTO MARCH Journalsor click on the “header at the top of this page, select “Journals” for the drop-down menu. If pictures appear missing, use your “refresh” button.

you NEED,


This month’s Travel Plans:
14. March 4th Cottonwood, AZ at Verde Valley RVP (TT) x 14 nights (A section!!)
15. March 18th Grand Canyon Village at GC Campground for 4 nights
16. March 22nd Las Vegas at Las Vegas TT Campground for 14 nights




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Our trip to Cottonwood, AZ was as usual, uneventful. The road, US 40 and US 17 were excellent. The item that impressed us the most was the extreme detail Arizona goes through to make they’re overpasses so esthetically pleasing. Some, I would dare say, were close to works of art.















Our goal is to reach Verde Valley RVP. We don’t anticipate any challenges on that.










Once again , love these sunsets.


Taken from the Journal of the day:

Carla and I began this sojourn six years ago. Our primary purpose was, as we’ve told all, to see America. Our secondary purpose was to find a location that offered 3 and one-half seasons. This has been a very elusive location. Cottonwood, AZ has met or surpassed almost all our objectives. They do get heat, but little humidity. It does snow but only occasionally and it goes away quickly. It does have cooler temperatures but not cold. It does rain, but only occasionally. Verde Valley RVR is not the nicest, nor is it one of the biggest. It is growing and growing nicely. It offers everything we’d wanted except for Wi-Fi in the location we currently have. The church, Immaculate Conception RCC was a very strong selling point. Between the pastor and a couple of the parishioners they sure made us feel at home. Our friends Tom and Sue are over 200 miles away but Cindy and Family are about one-hour from here. On the long side would be our dear friends in Iowa, Don and Joyce. Cedar Rapids is 1200 miles from here, closer than from Florida. Boynton Beach, where Dennis lives, is also 1200 miles away. JUST FOOD FOR THOUGHT……FOR US!.

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We will also experience Immaculate Conception C Church, which we will grow to like very much.














“Everything we were, we carry with us.
Everything we will be, is calling to us,  
from the roads not travelled yet." pjgrenier