Trip to Tower NYC (pictorial)

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9.23 Sunday
Overcast, cloudy but most of all it’s only 53 degrees. It’s chilly, no it feels cold but it’s a field trip day. We plan to trip to NYC and experience One World Center. We drove to Jersey City to pick up this ferry.


This picture tells of many stories. First it is cloudy, chilly but were getting very close to our destination; One World Center, NYC. Once we get there by ferry we’ll view the tower, observatory, oculus and memorial.

Doesn’t this look like Carla has found an old friend? Not so! He made the mistake of wearing a Notre Dame jacket and the two of them are discussing the Savior Touchdown Statue on the ND campus by their football stadium. Our travels do empower us to speak on many topics, this one was powerful on both sides. Turns out he lives in the City and is a devoted sport fan of every kind. Below you see our “yellow” ferry coming into dock to pick us up and bring us to the City.


I’ve always had an affinity towards marinas and boats, it’s a great lifestyle but expensive.



Above is Governor’s Island then you have the image to the left. Cropping has to be the “poor man’s 200mm telephoto lens.” It was my hope to visit Ellis Island but it’s like the Grand Canyon. You can visit it, view it and then it’s let’s go. We just don’t have the time to afford a visit, possibly next time.


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