Blowing Rock

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HAPPINESS is to have EVERYTHING, you need.
NOT the need to have EVERYTHING.

10.17.2019-We visit Blowing Rock

Traveling the roads of North Carolina is always such a pleasure. I only wish I had the space and band with to post all the scenic views we experienced.


Mountain tunnels. We came across quite a few of these on our Alaskan tour but these were the first we’d seen stateside.

The story behind the Blowing Rock from the BR Historical Society

Before 1752, when Moravian Bishop August Gottlieb Spangenberg visited the Blowing Rock area, the windy cliffs of the area were home to the Cherokee and the Catawba Indian tribes, hostile to each other, and the basis for the story of “The “Blowing Rock”. Two star-crossed lovers, one from each tribe, were walking near The Rock when the reddening sky signaled to the brave that he must return to his tribal duty, and the maiden urged him to stay with her.

Below I capture Carla exemplifying her youthful climbing skills. I’m very happy just taking her picture from a safe distance.

His desperation in choosing between duty and love caused him to leap from the edge of the gorge toward the rocks below, while the maiden beseeched the Great Spirit to bring him back to her. The famous winds of the John’s River Gorge blew her lover back into her arms, and this legend about The Blowing Rock is still told today..

Before 1752, when Moravian Bishop August Gottlieb Spangenberg visited the Blowing Rock area, the windy cliffs of the area were home to the Cherokee and the Catawba Indian tribes, hostile to each other, and the basis for the story of “The “Blowing Rock”. Two star-crossed lovers, one from each tribe, were walking near The Rock when the reddening sky signaled to the brave that he must return to his tribal duty, and the maiden urged him to stay with her. His desperation in choosing between duty and love caused him to leap from the edge of the gorge toward the rocks below, while the maiden beseeched the Great Spirit to bring him back to her. The famous winds of the John’s River Gorge blew her lover back into her arms, and this legend about The Blowing Rock is still told today.

You’ll never feel you have enough money to retire,
however, once you feel you have enough money,
will you have enough time?

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